The Princess Cat loves being the only cat in the household -- she's much more loving now that she doesn't have to compete with any other cat for attention, even jumping up on available laps seated in the brown recliner, since no other cat can reserve that particular space. She even purrs faintly when her chin is rubbed.
Last week the Princess Cat seemed pleased with a new food dish of porcelain that had goldfish painted on the bottom and decorated with additional goldfish swimming around the outside rim. I'm sure she appreciated the replacement and upgrade from the boys' old, plastic, blue bowl, and she loves the new pastel-colored water bowl, too. The porcelain bowl somehow seems more fitting for her princess status.
Last week, for no apparent reason, Ginger let me know she wanted the right side of my queen-sized bed to sleep on. I've slept on the right side for years as the lamp, phone, and alarm clock are all on that side of the bed, so it's convenient.
Monday night, however, I awoke shortly after going to sleep to feel Ginger balancing on the remaining two inch strip of bed behind me. I have no idea how she could balance on such a small area on the edge without falling off. She kept pushing against me, and I realized she wanted me to move over to the left. Other cats usually find an unoccupied space on a bed and curl up there, but not Ginger. She had the whole rest of the bed to sleep on, but she definitely wanted to sleep on the right side. She continued nudging me repeatedly, to make me move over and create more room for her.
It's a big bed and I don't really mind the left side. So, yes, I moved over -- I just put my glasses on the left dresser instead. Cats obviously do have distinctive personalities, as most feline owners will attest, but this orange and white one that lives with me, definitely has preferences in many areas. I love her as she is. She truly qualifies as a "Princess" Cat.