If you look at the vehicles on the road, you will notice the majority today are variations of red, white, blue, black, and silver. Take your own survey and you will see the preponderance of these colors.
Why can't cars and trucks be different colors? Why aren't there a multitude of purple or teal or orange cars blending in with the others? Occasionally, I will see a unique color. Once in a blue moon, a sunshiny yellow car or a teal blue car will be visible. Where are the plaid cars of the world? Do the majority of folks simply like the five basic colors best, or do they simply accept what is offered?
Where are the unique and artsy folks? Has anyone else pondered why there are no striped or polka-dotted cars? Where are the trucks painted with blue camouflage or decorated with a painted seascape? Where are the flowered vehicles? I'm sure the auto designers take into account people's preferences. Couldn't each car company offer a unique design or two? Maybe some day I will find vehicles painted like turtles, with musical notes, or even a carnation pink car.