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Friday, October 18, 2013

Relationship Status

Daniel and I are in a relationship that’s categorized as “complicated.”  He and I disagree on occasion, and even argue heatedly with one another.  He usually wants me to do things his way, while I think I am right and my way is better.  Other times, however, Daniel and I travel Life’s pathways contentedly, basking in comfortable silence and companionship.  Daniel is my GPS.

First of all, let me say Daniel is an amazing guy.  He doesn’t constantly need my attention, and delights in giving me some space while he takes some time off to do his own thing.  I don’t need him with me every trip I take in the car, particularly if it’s around town or places I’ve been before.  I’m fine by myself.  Daniel trusts me, and I trust him.

The two of us also respect one another.  Daniel exudes intelligence and is always up-to-date.  He automatically knows his way around the countryside, seldom making a mistake.  His math skills are legendary.  He quickly and accurately calculates distances and time, solving multiple problems simultaneously.  At the same time, Daniel appreciates my abilities to make sure we always have gas in the tank, and he knows I am good at planning every aspect of our trips, from hotel lodgings and finances to discovering area attractions and stops.  Our time together is wonderful as well as exciting. 

Sometimes Daniel and I irritate one another, but isn’t that what happens in most relationships?  Some people squeeze the toothpaste in the middle, and sometimes Daniel deliberately doesn’t tell me to slow down when rough rail crossings are coming up.   I’m sure I annoy Daniel at times, too, with my impetuosity – after all, not all service areas or restaurants sound as good as others, so I sometimes change my mind capriciously.  Those, however, are minor issues that come with day-to-day living.  We accept one another as we are, and revel in our journey through Life together. 

Occasionally, Daniel and I disagree on the best route.  We both insist we know best, and an argument will ensue.  Both passionate  creatures, Daniel and I do our best to present our different views to each other.   Daniel likes the most direct route, while I like the route that also takes traffic into account.  Daniel, being the gentleman, usually concedes to my choices, with only a hint of exasperation in his voice as he says, “Follow the highlighted route.”   

After a few more heated exchanges, Daniel usually allows me to have my way despite his impeccable knowledge of the area, by simply telling me, “Recalculating;”  I smile as I know he is allowing me to have input, too, despite his objections, and I feel special as well as safe in his arms.  We’d be lost without one another.

What more could anyone want in a relationship?  Daniel and I have good communication skills, trust one another, share mutual respect, and enjoy being together.  We care deeply about one another.  May all of you find as wonderful of a relationship as Daniel Garmin and I share.