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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Salad, Salad, Salad

Perusing packaged salad and lettuce at the grocery today, I finally selected the “Drunk Bunny Salad,” commonly referred to as “Spring Salad Mix.”  A few weeks earlier, after my adult kids served me a new salad they made one night while visiting, I innocently asked, “What is this?” at the dinner table.

I should add that a number of years ago my son’s heart probably stopped beating momentarily when he realized I served iceberg lettuce as all my salads.  He explained then that the popular iceberg lettuce I had grown up with in the 50’s had little nutritional value.  It was mostly water, he explained. 

He determinedly tried again years later to upgrade me into choosing Romaine lettuce, and preferably, a Romaine blend.  I only half-hearttedly purchased Romaine then because I still liked iceberg lettuce.  I thought Romaine appeared too many times later with bad news updates about safety while being pulled from shelves and restaurants sporadically. 

After my original question,"What is this?" both my son and daughter-in-law explained that night what a healthy salad choice this new mixture in the salad was.  “The Spring Salad Mix contains spinach, arugula, chard, and other good things, plus it has nutritional value.  It’s balanced,” they explained.

After taking several bites, I commented on the salad.  “This looks like green stuff from my back yard that resembles the stems seen hanging out of drunk bunnies’ mouths as they drink dandelion wines, party, and cavort happily around my yard most nights.  This seems to be a drunk bunny salad.”

Thus, this salad mixture was appropriately named.  My kids now know it as such, and if someone does notice bunnies gallivanting around a yard with stems drooping from the sides of their mouths, or in people’s mouths, they will know the bunnies and humans are eating healthily.

Now, it seems my millenials are even more knowledgeable about better, more nutritional food choices.  That’s why today I actually picked up the spring salad mix at the grocery … defiantly, and brought it home.  I do try to adjust my dinosaur attitude into a more modern one … at times.  Maybe I should just have a little wine with my Drunk Bunny Salad and the stems that could hang out of my mouth as I eat  this week, eh?  Riesling, or Sauvignon Blanc, or Chardonnay, or ….